Grown in Gel.

Event completed on Oct 20, 2021.

Total signees: 101

Relevant links: Jones Lab, World Wildlife Fund, University of Guelph

Event Turnout

Over 100 Classrooms and 90 schools signed up for our event from 2020 to fall of 2021. Of these signees, the majority of them were able to take delivery of our free Living Glass in the fall.

Creating a clear and engaging video explanation of a complex concept is a great way to demonstrate mastery and help others understand and love the subject.
— Sal Khan, Founder & CEO of Khan Academy

Living Glass plants are grown with a method called tissue culture. In our grown in gel event, we created a behind the scenes video of tissue culture, one of the most scientifically intensive concepts in academia, and made it fun for students of all ages to watch. We explored the world of tissue culture and how its used in the real world (i.e. plant conservation).

To complete this event, we delivered over 100 living glass products to schools across Ontario who watched our video. These living glass products were special, and featured the native (endangered-in-Canada) Drosera filiformis. Students for the first time ever, got to hold and see tissue cultured plants.

This event was organized by the University of Guelph and generously supported by the World Wildlife Fund’s Go Wild Grants. Living Glass sponsored, managed, and directed all forms of media production, event logistics, and, product development.




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